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I'm serious and playful!

The joy of using the right words "How can I be successful when I'm not a ‘serious’ person?" This is a recurring question that’s getting...

How to have a great 2022

Set a theme, not a resolution Using a theme for the year ahead has been life-changing for me. Even more life-changing than Marie Kondo's...

Pick a pen - any pen

The benefits of writing by hand In answer to the question, “Is it better to write by hand or on a keyboard?” I always say with a...

Want a fresh, calm and focused mind?

Try this five-part decluttering writing exercise As of last week - 20 March - Spring has officially Sprung! This is THE most exciting...

Writing and the Paradoxical Commandments

I’m not a writer I spend most of time with people who like to write, and despite pushing through and doing it, almost everyone is...

Five gratitude busting writing exercises

I’ve always struggled with, not so much the idea, but the practice of listing things I’m grateful for. Apart from it sounding a bit twee,...

Pessimism and Mars Bars

My quick and dirty take-aways of: ‘Learned optimism’ by Martin Seligman PhD. Most important to say, is that this isn’t a fluffy, faddy...

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