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Blog my voice - Ten tips to develop your writing voice

Updated: Apr 23, 2024

Do you feel your writing just doesn’t ‘sound’ like you?

You’re not alone. It’s really flipping hard. You’ve no sound, volume or pitch. You can’t smile or grimace. You can’t use your body language or energy to silently communicate your mood. Not only that, but your ‘work’ voice takes over and everything ends up sounding vanilla and corporate. Like I say, hard. This is why there are gazillions of blogs, articles, books and courses on the subject of how to develop your voice.

So, I wanted to throw my hat into the ring in the hope that I can encourage you to jump in and feel more confident in your writing. So here are my top tips on developing your writing voice for blogging, writing a letter or a novel, or any other personal writing.

Here goes:

1. You have all the time in the world

It's easy to want to rush, you want to convey your message, and now.

So firstly, give yourself time. Developing your writing voice is essentially about developing yourself and is a life-long, evolving pursuit. So don’t expect to have it pinned down after a couple of hours, something I myself have a wonderful tendency to do.

Exercise: Give yourself five minutes and write from the following prompt: ‘I have all the time in the world …’

2. Ship it ugly

Are you waiting for things to be right before you share your writing?

Don’t wait to start sharing your lovely you-ness until you have it ‘right.’ As I mentioned above, it takes time, so don’t let this be a blocker, just jump in! You can always edit it later.

Exercise: Give yourself five minutes and write from the following prompt: ‘Shipping it ugly …’

3. Connect

Tune into yourself. This’ll help you to be more ‘you.’ Park your work writing voice if you have one and ask it politely to sit this one out (you can literally do this as a letter - trust me, it works). Start by doing a short meditation or whatever helps you bring yourself into the moment. I recommend the following exercise.

Exercise: Give yourself 5-10 minutes and then write about what you’re experiencing from each of your senses. Prompt: ‘Here I am…’

4. Embrace the good, the bad, the ugly

I know it's easier said than done to fully accept yourself, warts and all, but you can at least acknowledge the less pretty parts. There may just be hidden treasures in those parts of you that you lock in the cupboard when in polite society.

You may know immediately what those parts are. If not, remember that we’re drawn to love/hate aspects of other people that are essentially like us. So, if you’re irritated by someone’s show-offy nature, then yes, you might have a tendency to be a bit show-offy (guilty.) If you’re impressed by someone’s courage, chances are you’re pretty courageous (yes to this too for me). It’s all OK by the way, we are who we are, it’s what we do with it that counts.

Exercise: Make a list from the following prompt: ‘At my best I’m…’ and ‘At my worst I’m…’ Once you’ve made a list you can pick out one or more from both lists and write more about this aspect of yourself.

Breathe. Accept it – I promise that you won’t be opening Pandora’s box, you’re just taking a peek and going, “Oh, that’s interesting.” You’ll remain the same

lovely, grounded person you are today.

5. Enjoy yourself (it’s later than you think)

This is one of my favourite messages in a song, and one that I try and remember every day given my pre-disposition to take things a tad too seriously. Remember to enjoy your writing. Notice when you make it into work (I must do it every day/produce stuff regularly etc.) – we’re awfully good at doing this, trust me. If you’re not enjoying the writing, you’re probably not being yourself and that’ll show in your writing.

Exercise: Writing prompt: ‘Why I enjoy writing …’

6. Who, what, why?

Do you know what you want to share, why and with who?

My blog ‘Dear Lucy’ ( is just for me though I love it when people tell me they connect to what I'm writing about. It's my passion project if you like, I write it because it’s fun.

This blog on the other hand, is written especially for you. I want to help you to break through some of the barriers to writing more authentically; to feel good about your writing, to enjoy it and be confident that you have something to say.

So, think about what it is you want to share, what message do you want to get across? Why do you want to help people and how? Do you want people to be entertained, educated, inspired?

Whatever you want to share, I promise, it’s worthy and even if you're not crystal clear now, you can still make a start. Just make sure you’re truly connected to it and your passion and authenticity will burst out of that page.

Exercise: Write to your ideal reader explaining what your story, blog, etc., is about, why you want them to read it and what you want them to get out of it or do. Prompt: 'Dear reader ...'

6a. I also recommend explaining what you want to write about to different audiences which can be very enlightening. So, imagine explaining what you want to write about to a child, to an older person, to someone who you're pretty sure has no interest whatsoever, in what you're writing. It'll help you see the holes - if there are any - in what you're trying to convey and also some interesting insights.

Exercise: Write to a different audience explaining what your story, blog etc., is about. Prompt: 'Dear [insert audience] ...'

7. Ask a friend

Just ask people who know you, “Does this sound like me?” Be really specific that this is what you’re asking for otherwise you’ll end up with a load of well-meaning but highly subjective feedback you don't actually want.

You can also read what you’ve written out loud and even record yourself. Is this how you would speak? Conversational writing is more engaging so think about what you’d say and tweak it. I’ve done this several times during writing this blog. A really simple example is changing ‘I have’ to ‘I’ve’ – when I read it out loud, I realised I don’t say ‘I have.’

Exercise: Read aloud what you wrote in the previous exercise. Make edits as you're talking. You can also speak your first draft of something into your phone and then look at the transcript to notice how you speak.

8. Play about with style and tone

Be intentional about your style (construction, language etc.) and tone (“what the dog hears” as Adair Lara puts it). For example, I might be witty, sweary and abrupt with lots of exclamation marks if I’m writing about something that irks me for entertainment purposes. If I’m writing about writing, I’m – hopefully – more encouraging, conversational (asking questions), playful, and sincere.

How do you sound when you’re annoyed, excited, sad, playful, professional? Think about this for your writing based on what it’s about and who it’s for.

Exercise: Write about something that annoyed you recently. Then write about something that happened that made you very happy (both can be very small and simple things). Do the same thing again using conflicting tones, e.g., write about the thing that annoyed you with a cheery tone. Finding what doesn’t work will help you get to what does.

9. Practice, practice, practice

As the old saying goes, “How do you get to Carnegie Hall?” (famous concert hall in New York.) Answer, “Practice.” So, write, write, write and read, read, read. The more you do it, the better you’ll get and the more you’ll enjoy it and, as I keep banging on about, enjoying it should be the priority, otherwise, why are you doing it?

Exercise: It can be tempting to fit in with the crowd and follow unwritten conventions if you stick to that which you are writing about, so read widely and get inspiration from other types of content and styles. Try writing about your chosen topic in the style of something completely different, e.g., a newspaper article or a dramatic poem.

10. ‘Inspired by’… not ‘copied from’

Try on the things you like in other people’s writing. Everything is a mishmash of other things so don’t worry about using other people’s work to inspire you. You’ve probably already been influenced by other people without realising it, so it’s no different to do it consciously. What is it you like? Do they use certain kinds of words, short and/or long sentences? Are they descriptive or to the point? Do they share their thoughts and feelings or just talk about facts?

Exercise: When you read, highlight bits you like and then go back and analyse what it was you liked. Apply these things to something you’ve written, see how it fits.

I hope that helps you get started. I’d love to hear how you get on. CP

Go to to find out how I can help you live a more creative and fulfilled life or give me a shout at CP

Image by Alan King on Unsplash

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